
4 Practices in Schools

Many dedicated teachers appreciate a climate of cooperation for joint development of teaching. Anyone who visits "good schools" quickly notices this as a common feature of all these schools. Indeed, no lasting pedagogical innovation would be conceivable without a strong capacity for collaboration among the faculty. It is not so much the originality of the pedagogical ideas, but the consistency of the joint implementation of these ideas that is surprising and convincing.

The four key collaborative practices identified during this project were Co-Planning, Co-Teaching, Peer Observation, and TeachMeets.


Schools can all benefit from sharing their knowledge, experience and resources by working together. Clusters are the grouping of schools within the same geographical location aiming to improve the quality and relevance of the education in the schools. They ae a tool that schools can use to promote collaboration, reflection, sharing and learning among the teaching fraternity.

CaRE Onlineย 

Teachers can continue their collaborative ideas and develop professionally while they work together online. If teachers work together regularly, they will be able to share ideas and develop professionally. Creating online communities for teachers can not only help to grow the traditional education model, but also can connect teachers across the world.ย