Supporting Change
The CaRE project outlines a process to support change and reflection towards a common goal in a community of practice, including:
Reflect to identify - Developing a common understanding of the issue and the overarching goal. What will it look like if we achieve our goal?
Reflect to plan -Drafting a possible route towards your end goal. What should the next steps towards your goal be? What obstacles might you face, and how can they be overcome?
Reflect on progress - Looking back to the reason why you thought this was a worthy area of focus. What brought you this point? How have things changed.
Tools for 21st Century Skills Assessment
21st Century Skills as essential for students in a rapidly changing world. However, we understand skills differently in different languages, cultures, and contexts. The World Cafe method can help a community of practice explore and reflect on their understandings of skills such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Co-Planning and group reflection can help you achieve change in your school. The PDF and module below outline these tools.
Teacher as Researcher
The goal of this module is designed to support teachers in researching their own professional practice. The four sections cover the following topics:
Why do educational research?
Overview of research approaches.
How to generate data.
An introduction to analysing your data.